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Do you already communicate GreenSign on your Website?

No? Then it’s about time and we’ll show you how.
Grafik einer Hand mit einem Ipad
With your GreenSign certification, you have already created the basis for transparent communication. Now you just need to let your guests or customers know. Communicating GreenSign certification on your website is an effective way to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, build trust, target a specific audience and reap the marketing benefits.

That’s why you should communicate your certification with GreenSign on your website.

Highlighting sustainability

The company demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection with GreenSign certification.

Build trust

Companies gain the trust of guests and show that they care about future generations.

Icon Information

Provide a source of information

Guests and customers will find a reliable source of information about the company’s sustainability measures.
Sprechblase Icon

Appealing to environmentally conscious travellers

By presenting their GreenSign certification on their website, companies can target environmentally conscious customers.
Icon Mitarbeiter

Retain employees

Sustainable companies act in accordance with ethical principles and are committed to environmental protection, social justice and responsible behaviour.
Marketing Icon

Utilise marketing advantages

GreenSign certification can serve as a marketing tool. Companies can use it as a unique selling point and set themselves apart from the competition.

GreenSign widget inserted?

Schlosshotel Blankenburg Website
Example: Schlosshotel Blankenburg Website
Widget Schlosshotel Website
Widget Mediterana
Example: Mediterana Website
Widget Level 4 Mediterana

Good News for GreenSign Hotels: Making GreenSign certification visible on

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with BeCause, a sustainability data management interface that makes it easier, faster and more cost-effective to submit sustainability data. This collaboration makes it easier for you to submit your certification faster to booking platforms such as You can see your information on BeCause by simply logging in and claiming your profile. Your certification will then be displayed on Booking within 7 days of registration.
Booking Forestis GreenSign
Beispiel: Forestis Dolomites auf
BeCause guide
  1. Go to
  2. Register
  3. Claim your company profile by entering the name of your organisation in the search field and selecting your profile. If there are any problems with the application, contact directly
  4. Once you have registered your profile, you will be redirected to the manager in BeCause
  5. Go to ‘Collect’
  6. Click on ‘General Info’
  7. Add your booking ID at the bottom of the page
  8. Feel free to review and update the information provided

If you have any questions or need support, please write to

With us you can also calcualte your carbon footprint

Flair Hotel Reuner Co2

Example: GreenSign widget on the Flair Hotel Reuner website

In ooperation with myclimate, we also calculate the CO2 footprint of our customers. There is now an extra bar in the hotel display on the GreenSign website below the GreenSign sustainability barometer that shows the value and even links to the currentCO2 footprint certificate.

What´s next?

Use different channels

In addition to communicating on the website, you can consider using various channels to effectively spread the word about your sustainable activities. Here is an overview of the channels you can consider.

Social media channels

Regularly share articles about sustainable initiatives, environmental protection measures and social responsibility.


Integrate information about GreenSign and your sustainable initiatives into your newsletter.


Create blog posts that deal with the topics of sustainability, environmental protection and sustainable travel.

Press Release

Publish press releases about your GreenSign certification and the progress you have made in terms of sustainability.
Instagram Profil Alexianer Hotel am Wasserturm
Alexianer Hotel am Wassertum
Theaterhotel Wien
Theaterhotel Wien
Hirben Naturlaub Instagram
Hirben Naturlaub
Billbox GreenSign Office Profil




Sentinel Haus Institut

Sentinel Haus Institut

New bookable

Green Pearls® is an international information platform for sustainable travel – a filter for environmentally friendly vacations without compromise, a sustainable label and a globally operating communication platform for sustainable tourism. The website presents pioneers of green tourism who are committed to environmental protection and take social responsibility.

Your advantage as a GreenSign member? In addition to the Green Pearls® membership you receive a basic communication package with one mention each in the newsletter, on the blog and on Instagram. 

Logo Green Pearls
In addition, the globally active Green Pearls offers…
  • Own microsite
  • Green Pearls® Label
  • 10+ years of experience in communicating sustainability in tourism
  • Weekly press newsletter
  • Integration into the Green Travel Blog
  • Social media integration
  • Support with press inquiries and cooperations
Do you have any questions? Anja and Magdalena will be happy to help you.